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The words 'Friends of Amos' partially submerged in water
A logo for a student organization that discusses theology and culture at Emmanuel Christian Seminary.
fire and stylized text that says Lake Pointe Hot Topics
An updated look for the Hot Topics graphic to make it appeal to a younger crowd.
Hippo Valley Christian Mission Type Lockup and 3 accompanying logos
A series of graphics used for HVCM branding purposes on mailers.
choose your weapon: 2 sets of hands, one fist bumping and one high-fiving.
Test design for a 4 color screen print I did while in college.
plug looking for an outlet
Illustration that turned into a 4 color print
A sword with a wrapping ribbon that says D NOW around the blade and a sash with 'God as my leader and my sword as my companion' in latin.
An unused concept for a DNOW shirt/mailer. The concept was being a warrior for God.
A CMYK representation of a Googie sign and event information text.
A poster concept for Joplin Third Thursdays.
Badge that says Run with the Wind with windmills on top and the year 2013 at the bottom
A badge used as a logo for a local running club's 25k race.